‘One-View’ of All Incoming Transactions.
Advanced Web-based Productivity Tools for Claims Staffs with Jopari Adjustor Portal®
About Jopari Adjustor Portal®
Jopari Adjustor Portal is designed to assist Payers considering or already transitioning to paperless claims operations. This web-based productivity tool integrates with a wide array of bill review and claims management systems furnishing claims staffs the benefit of ‘one-view’ presentment of incoming electronic and paper-based medical transactions.
Paired with the Payer’s document management system, Jopari Adjustor Portal is a powerful means to upgrade operational metrics by facilitating fully electronic productivity.
Automation of Transactions Workflow
(Electronic and Paper-based)
Jopari Adjustor Portal delivers broad support for paperless workflow to Property & Casualty and Group Health Payers, including comprehensive management of electronic documents, combined with a secure digital archive designed to be compatible with both front-end and back-end Bill Review workflows. The Portal combines with and supports the Payer’s existing document management infrastructure, automating presentment of:
- Medical Bill and Attachments
- Images of the Payment Record (Check or EFT)
- Images of Remittance Advice (EOR/EOB)
Payer Managed Administrative Controls
The Jopari Adjustor Portal features a single workflow architecture providing seamless support for both electronic (eBill) and paper bill processing. Bill presentment includes inbound EDI bill data incorporating “clean” bill and Attachment images.
For security purposes, user access to the Portal requires adherence to multi-level password security rules. Administration of user rights and roles is controlled by the Payer, and involves establishing user privileges ranging from “view only”, to full processing rights, to custom defining of Administrator roles. The Payer can also establish escalation rules and queues, and re-assign or modify transactions workflow, whenever conditions require.
Jopari Solutions